All about my blog

This blog is to show other people the things i enjoy doing, This allows me to show off my creativity to whoever views my blog. From making cools designs, to being able to bake something movie like a actual person. This allows me to show everyone my talent.

Monday, December 1, 2014

This is my custom postcard that represents me now, and in the future. I thought it  was fun trying to find pictures that represent me, but it was also a challenge. In my postcard i have my favorite hobby, favorite locations, movie, vehicle, college, and my future career. Theres a lot more things that represent me in many different ways

Monday, November 10, 2014

AI sphere=
AI= 1. In AI, its harder make shapes, add effects in AI is a little harder than in Ps.
2.The purpose for AI is to add more effects and being able to make it more than just and edit.
3.Everything in AI is not on a single layer, so its somewhat hard to actually fix something if needed.

PS Sphere=

Thursday, October 9, 2014

I learned how to make letters bubble up in a cool way. I understood what i was supposed to do step by step. I would of changed the colors and the way it looks. I wanna make it look like a actually bubble, i think that would be actually cool. since its a bubble text, why not make it look like a actual bubble.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The google logo changes often due to reasons. Special occasions, Birthdays and holidays. The logo will have a meaning, a story for that special occasion. then theres the interactive logo that allows you to play games.
This is my custom logo. My logo shows how creative i am since i made this just out of boredom. The colors i used are my favorite for 2 reasons, 1- Red and a goldfish color go together, and 2- It's the Marine corps colors.  It shows how creative i can be without even trying at all.

Friday, September 12, 2014

After taking the font personality quiz, i had gotten stencil. Stencil describes me as aggressive, and i find that to be a lie sometimes.  I found it to be a interesting font because it all looks the same until you look closely at it and then you can notice the curves. Naming all the little details was sorta fun but a little to boring in my opinion. But over all i found it to be very creative.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I made a inch worm, that was a challenge. i had to make it move the inch worm across the screen and i had to make it actually move. This here was a fun challenge!!!

I had made a bouncing ball in photoshop and aftereffects. it was a challenge because i had to make it bounce when it hit the ground. it was a challenge to make and do!!!

Friday, August 29, 2014


 I learned how to make a pencil using the tool's in Illustrator. With all the tools i was able to make a colorful pencil and a bucket of my favorite color. Using paint bucket and paintbrush i was able to color in the pencil and bucket in a neat way.I had to use the proper measurements just to make everything look straight like a real pencil. I had a blast just making things using random tools and learning how to make them. it was a fun challenge to do!!!