All about my blog

This blog is to show other people the things i enjoy doing, This allows me to show off my creativity to whoever views my blog. From making cools designs, to being able to bake something movie like a actual person. This allows me to show everyone my talent.

Friday, September 12, 2014

After taking the font personality quiz, i had gotten stencil. Stencil describes me as aggressive, and i find that to be a lie sometimes.  I found it to be a interesting font because it all looks the same until you look closely at it and then you can notice the curves. Naming all the little details was sorta fun but a little to boring in my opinion. But over all i found it to be very creative.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I made a inch worm, that was a challenge. i had to make it move the inch worm across the screen and i had to make it actually move. This here was a fun challenge!!!

I had made a bouncing ball in photoshop and aftereffects. it was a challenge because i had to make it bounce when it hit the ground. it was a challenge to make and do!!!