All about my blog

This blog is to show other people the things i enjoy doing, This allows me to show off my creativity to whoever views my blog. From making cools designs, to being able to bake something movie like a actual person. This allows me to show everyone my talent.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

For my starting project in maya, i made a polything. I had to make a circle then make two separate cylinders and place them vertical and horizontal in the middle of the circle to make the effect of it looking hallow from both bottom and top, and side to side. In the project i learned howe to use mesh and booleans, and different to get the effect of the hallowness.
This here is my salt shaker i had made.  This was a fun challenge to do since we had to use different tools, making everything look like glass/plastic. Adding salt was a little easy, but making the bottle its self with the cap was the challenging part. Making everything fit into place to look real. 
This here is my hammer i made. the texture i made wood because why not have a full wood hammer. the hammer was really tricky when it came to getting the back side of the hammer where you take ou the nails. i enjoyed the hammer project when it came to textures. 
who doesn't like ice cream? this here i made an ice cream shop, well sorta. Theres a moving table that goes in a circle displaying all the flavors that are shown in the picture. I really enjoyed this project the most because i was able to make new and different textures than i normally do. 
For my project i tried to make the holy grail. Making this cup was really easy knowing theres a tools to help out. I learned how to use the EP curve tool and the revolve tool. the EP curve tool would only go on one side then you use the revolve tool to make everything equal and look perfect.