All about my blog

This blog is to show other people the things i enjoy doing, This allows me to show off my creativity to whoever views my blog. From making cools designs, to being able to bake something movie like a actual person. This allows me to show everyone my talent.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Graphic design semester final

                              Graphic design semester final

  Over the year in graphic design, i learned a lot. From how to make a basic logo, to a poster to be seen by hundreds of people. During the semester, i had the chance to express myself, make posters, flyers, and t-shirt designs. The first project i did, i was able to show what I'm about. All of my interests, what i do in my free time. I could express myself in many ways that were still understandable. Being able to have a chance and participate in making the homecoming posters was a challenge. I had a hard time showing and expressing what i was capable of. I started to learn from my mistakes and try to improve on it. Being able to make a T-shirt design was a lot of fun. I was able to have a design that would be worn around. It would show school spirit by having our colors and our mascot.  

  I really started to show off my talents when we were given a quote to turn into a story. For me, I gave the story about my life. From where i started, to where i am currently. With that project, I began to show a little improvement. For our latest project, we were given 4 things and we had to turn it into a item to sell. The whole idea must contain a number, two letters, mineral, and an animal. The project was given to us to show how creative we can get. unleash the imagination to make a item that people would buy. It was a big challenge for me to show what i was capable of. Making a logo and coming up with a name was the challenge for me, and so was being able to show it. Still being somewhat new to using adobe illustrator, i was capable of knowing how to use certain tools and shapes to help improve my idea and the way it was shown.

  Over the semester, i struggled with showing what i am able to do and how to express my sketches. I could not transfer my ideas because i was not capable to show it the way i wanna present it. I would use a basic idea instead of an attention getter. Thats what i struggled with, and i hope to improve on it.

 I learned a lot more than i did before while using the software i am allowed. I now know more about the tools and objects that i am given in both photoshop and illustrator. Thanks to the class, i am able to get helpful tips and ideas i could use to advance my concepts. Working in a group with some projects was helpful. It allowed me to see a basic idea of what somethings should look like and how i can turn it into something that i can call mine. It taught me that having concepts will be the start of every project and where you can make changes to improve the ideas you create.

 I hope to improve on a lot. Having more creativity and imagination in my projects. Make them unique instead of basic. Being able to express it in more than just one way,